Executively produced by .regular and ceecide.
Visuals by Cam and Faarko.
“Days Past” produced by .regular and ceecide.
Written and performed by .regular.
“Release” produced by PowerPCME.
Written and performed by PowerPCME and Unusual Demont.
“Selfish, But I’m Sorry” produced by .regular.
Written and performed by Abi Natesh and Stefan James.
“You’re Not Real” produced by .regular.
Written and performed by .regular, Bon Cœur and Unusual Demont.
“Asked Me” produced by PowerPCME.
Written and performed by .regular, Abi Natesh, ceecide, PowerPCME, and Unusual Demont.
“Manic” Produced by .regular and ceecide.
Written and performed by .regular and lunafreya.
“Pining” produced by ceecide.
Written and performed by Stefan James.
“Breakthrough” produced by ceecide.
Performed by Bon Cœur.
“Truth Is” produced by Aryan Kumar and ceecide.
Written and performed by .regular, Bon Cœur, and PowerPCME,
“Backup Bitch” produced by .regular.
Written and performed by Abi Natesh and Bon Cœur.
“Melancholy” produced by PowerPCME.
Written and performed by .regular, Abi Natesh, Stefan James, PowerPCME, and Unusual Demont.
“Solace” produced by .regular.