The Remarkable Life of Ibelin, 2024 – ★★★★½

from at 7:24 am on November 30, 2024

i remember when i had just started to be homeschooled, around thirteen or so, i was watching a webseries comedy about a world of warcraft guild and i really wanted to play because i thought id have friends then, i was so lonely. i never did play.
i eventually ended up finding a similar small online community on reddit, even got all the drama and relationships and suicide attempts and such, met people that i loved for years, dont talk to any of them anymore though.

ive always been embarrassed and sad that my entire friend group, band, other friend group, and other friend group existed entirely online. i dont know anyone that is as “online” as me. this movie is validating in a way. i spent many years not even wanting to video chat or join the voice channels, and yet i had friends. sometimes people would tell me they dreamt of me, dreams where i appear as a figureless blob. how odd.

is that still love?